Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bloom's Goes Digital

Bloom’s organisation of the thinking/learning structure is nothing new. It’s been around since 1956. In 2002 I discovered a book in a Sydney bookstore with Anderson’s revised model showing the elevation of creating beyond evaluation, which of course made sense. I wondered why I had not thought of it? The change to verbs is glaringly obvious in hindsight and so much more learner friendly. Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) to Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in and of themselves provide a clear structure for learners and as structure for ensuring thinking is occurring. Independent learning can be scaffolded and personalized easily with models such as these. The projects that have been produced show exactly how far the learners will go when they are able to challenge themselves.

The direct relevance of Andrew Churches New Bloom’s Taxonomy Digitally is clear. His wiki, Educational Origami is a wealth of resources. The pedagogical underpinnings are sound. Technology is imbedded in an authentic manner to challenge learners. The terminology and structure has already been added to the learning environment I work in. I expect to continue to see growth in the standard of both process and product.

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